Creating and Upgrading Product Installations : Install Products
Install Products
Depending on the number of products you select for installation, the product installation job could take some time to complete.
To uninstall 9.7 and earlier products, use the Software AG Uninstaller. To uninstall 9.8 and later products, use Command Central commands. Before uninstalling products, perform the pre-uninstallation tasks listed in Installing Software AG Products.
1. Go to Environments > ALL to see all instances and installations you are managing from Command Central.
2. Click the Installations tab and then click the target installation.
3. Click the Products tab. You will see any products that are already installed.
4. Click .
5. Click the product repository from which to install.
6. Select the products to install as follows:
a. Select individual products.
b. Click > Select All.
c. If you want Command Central to auto-select the same products that are installed in another installation, click , click Auto-select same as..., and select that installation.
7. If a product you installed supports the creation of multiple instances in the same installation directory (for example, Integration Server), Command Central did not create an instance during installation. Create and configure one or more instances using the instructions in the product documentation. When specifying database connection information, keep in mind the following:
*Most products use the DataDirect Connect JDBC 5.1 database driver. For information about options supported by this driver, see DataDirect Connect for JDBC User's Guide and Reference 5.1, available on the Software AG Documentation website.
*Use the DataDirect Connect connection option MaxPooledStatements=35 on all database URLs except those for Trading Networks. This connection option improves performance by caching prepared statements. (Trading Networks caches its prepared statements using its own pooling mechanism).
*For DB2, if the product will connect to a schema other than the default schema for the specified database user, you must specify these connection options in the database URL, where AlternateID is the name of the default schema that is used to qualify unqualified database objects in dynamically prepared SQL statements:
;AlternateId=schema;"InitializationString=(SET CURRENT
8. After installation is complete, install the latest fixes on the installed products using the instructions in this help.
9. For each product you installed, perform the post-installation tasks described in Installing Software AG Products, in the sections about completing the installation, with one exception: do not perform the license tasks in that guide. Licensing is handled in Command Central.
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