Create and View an Aggregate Report by Active License Manifests
An aggregated report contains information about all installed product instances based on continuous license metering of a Command Central landscape. Command Central meters the landscape by active license manifest files hourly and stores the results in a monthly report.
The report contains a summary section for each location of your organization for which a license manifest has been issued. The summary section shows whether the installed capacity (installed processor cores) for a product matches the licensed capacity (licensed processor cores) for the product. You can also view more product details including the daily status of a product, the number of installed and running product instances, the number of used and licensed cores, and whether the installation type and core class match the licenses. A monthly status summary per product is also available.
Important: | Command Central does not delete aggregated reports automatically. The average persistent memory usage in Command Central for an aggregated report is 100-300 kilobytes per product. |
1. Go to Views > Licensing > Reports.
2. Click and then click StartReport Aggregation. 3. To view the contents of the report, you must download it to the file system and open it from there. Go to Views > Licensing > Reports, click for the report in the Download column, and click a format.