Configuring and Maintaining Product Installations : Before Installing Fixes and Support Patches
Before Installing Fixes and Support Patches
Product Release
9.9 or later
You can install fixes and support patches from Command Central using the instructions in this help. First create mirror repositories that contain the fixes and support patches to install using the instructions in this help.
You can install fixes and support patches from Command Central using the instructions in this help. First install SPM 9.8 Fix 4 on the Platform Manager for the products, and then create local mirror repositories that contain the fixes and support patches to install using the instructions in this help.
You can install fixes from Command Central using the instructions below. First install SPM 9.7 Fix 6 on the Platform Manager for the products, and then create image repositories that contain the fixes to install using the instructions in this help.
9.6 or earlier
Use Software AG Update Manager to install fixes and support patches.
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