Command Central REST API Resources
The Command Central RESP API resources use the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to execute different operations. Each Command Central REST API resource is identified by a named URI that has the following base endpoint:
ccehost is the name of the host machine where you have installed Command Central.
cceport is the port number where the Command Central instance is running.
service_name is the name of the Command Central REST API service.
[resource[/subresource/]...] (optional) is different for each Command Central REST API service.
Command Central REST API uses the
Jersey RESTful framework that supports the Web Application Description Language (WADL). The WADL page for each
Command Central REST API service contains details about the resources, such as resource URI, supported media types, XML schemas for data structure, and HTTP methods. For more information about the Jersey RESTful framework and WADL, see the Jersey framework documentation.
For more information about the Command Central REST API resources, see:
The WADL page for each
Command Central REST API service. You can find the name and URI for each REST service in
Summary of REST Services.
In the
Command Central command line tool, execute a command with the
--debug option. This option returns REST API request and response details, such as URI, HTTP method, content type, content body, and HTTP response code. For information about the
Command Central commands, see
Software AG Command Central Help.
Testing Command Central REST API Resources
Use one of the following methods to test a Command Central REST API resource:
In the
Command Central command line tool, execute a command with the
--debug option (recommended). For example:
sagcc list landscape nodes --debug -f json -u Administrator
-p manage -s http://localhost:8090/cce
Use REST API clients browser plug-ins for Firefox and Chrome.
Use a third-party command line tool, for example
cURLExample command using cURL:
curl -u Administrator:manage -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json"