CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Using the Asset Catalog : Publishing a New Asset into the Catalog : Adding an Asset to the Catalog From Scratch
Adding an Asset to the Catalog From Scratch
Some asset types, such as Application Servers, do not have importers. To add this type of asset to the catalog, you must define it from scratch, meaning that you must create the asset and set its attributes manually.
Note that CentraSite allows you to add any type of asset to the catalog manually, even those that you can create using importers. Be aware, however, that you might not be able to manually set all of the attributes for these types of assets. Certain attributes can only be set by an importer. For example, CentraSite allows you to add a Web service to the catalog from scratch, but attributes such as the list of operations and the service endpoints cannot be specified manually. To set these attributes, you must attach the WSDL file to the catalog entry using the Attach WSDL command in the asset's Actions menu.
To add a new asset to the catalog from scratch
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse.
2. Click the Add Asset button.
3. In the Add Asset dialog, specify the following attributes:
In this field...
Do the following...
Choose the type of asset that you want to add to the catalog. All top-level asset types are shown in the drop-down list. The asset types that are supported out-of-the-box are: Application, Web service, BPEL Process, XML schema, and Virtual Service).
For information about creating and managing virtual services, see Run-Time Governance with CentraSite.
Enter a name for the asset. An asset name can contain any character (including spaces).
An asset name does not need to be unique within the catalog. However, to reduce ambiguity, you should avoid giving multiple assets of the same type the same name. As a best practice, we recommend that you adopt appropriate naming conventions to ensure that assets are distinctly named within an organization.
Optional. Enter a comment or descriptive information about the new asset.
Choose the organization to which the asset will be added. (The drop-down list will contain the list of organizations to which you are permitted to add assets.) If you select an organization other than your own organization, you will nevertheless be the owner of the asset.
Choose the organization with care. You cannot change the organization assignment after the asset is added to the catalog. You can, however, export an asset from one organization and import it to another.
Initial Version
Optional. Enter an identifier for the initial version of the asset. The version identifier does not need to be numeric. You can later create new versions of the asset, Generating New Asset Versions.
If the versioning feature is disabled for an asset type, the field is nevertheless displayed, thus allowing you to assign an identifier for this first version.
4. Click OK.
5. Configure the asset's extended attributes as described in Editing an Asset in the Catalog.
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