CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing the Catalog : About the Catalog : Who Can View the Catalog?
Who Can View the Catalog?
All CentraSite users, including guests, have permission to browse the CentraSite catalog. You do not need any explicit permission to use the CentraSite catalog in the Business UI.
The set of assets available to you when you browse the catalog are the assets on which you have the View permission. You can obtain View permission on an asset in the following ways:
*By belonging to a role that includes any of the following permissions.
This permission...
Allows you to...
View Assets
View all assets within a specified organization.
Modify Assets
View and edit all assets within a specified organization.
Manage Assets
View, edit, and delete all assets within a specified organization, and set instance-level permissions on those assets. This permission also allows you to create assets.
Create Assets
Add new assets to a specified organization. You automatically receive Full permission (which implies Modify and View permission) on all assets that you create.
*By having View, Modify, or Full instance-level permissions on an asset.
By default, all CentraSite users belong to the Asset Consumer role. This role includes the View Assets permission for the organization to which a user belongs.
Having the Asset Consumer role gives you implicit view permission on all the assets in your organization. You can view assets from other organizations only if you are given permission to do so through the assignment of additional role-based or instance-level permissions.
In rare instances, an administrator might not grant view permissions to all of the users in an organization. If the administrator of your organization has done this, you will need instance-level permissions on an asset in order to view it.
For more information about permissions, see Getting Started with CentraSite.
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