CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Important Considerations when Configuring REST or XML Virtual Services : Handling Virtual REST APIs with Multiple Resources : Scenario B
Scenario B
Straight-Through Routing Action
Content-Based Routing Action
Context-Based Routing Action
Consider you have a virtual REST API created in versions of CentraSite prior to 9.7, this API will continue to exhibit the old REST behavior, that is, it will continue to send the HTTP requests to the native API endpoint using the resource URI defined in the earlier version.
Now consider our sample PhoneStore API with two different formats of resource URIs, say, /phones, /invoke
Now, whenever you try to add a new resource to this API, CentraSite performs an internal validation of the existing resource URI. Depending on the validation, CentraSite handles the HTTP request in the following way:
*Endpoint exactly ends with the existing resource URI - Resource URI /phones. In this case, the URI is automatically substituted with the tokenizer. This ensures that the Mediator processes the HTTP request and routes the request to the appropriate native API endpoint for the requested resource.
*Endpoint does not exactly end with the existing resource URI - Resource URI /invoke. In this case, the URI is not substituted with the tokenizer and eventually results in a failure alert.
Now, based on the routing configuration for the native API, you have the following workaround options:
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