CentraSite Documentation : Working with the CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : CentraSite Business UI Pluggable Architecture : Uninstalling an Extension : Uninstalling a Single Extension
Uninstalling a Single Extension
The following procedure describes how to uninstall a single extension point.
To uninstall an extension point
1. Open the custom configuration file in a text editor and locate the configuration entry for extension points:
<Extensions src="centrasitebuiextension/centrasitebuiextension.nocache.js">
<ExtensionPointLogin custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointRegister custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseView custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointBrowseCriteria custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearchWidget custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearch custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointSearchCriteria custom="false" />
<ExtensionPointAssetDetails custom="false" />
<ExtensionPlaces protected="false">
<ExtensionPlace className=
2. Remove the above configuration entry for extension points.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Restart Software AG Runtime.
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