CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Run-Time Governance Reference : Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services : Summary of the Run-Time Actions for Virtual Services : WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 Actions : XML Security Actions (WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2)
XML Security Actions (WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2)
These actions provide confidentiality (through encryption) and integrity (through signatures) for request and response messages.
Require Signing
Requires that a request's XML element (which is represented by an XPath expression) be signed.
Require Encryption
Requires that a request's XML element (which is represented by an XPath expression) be encrypted.
Require SSL
Requires that requests be sent via SSL client certificates and can be used by both SOAP and REST services.
Require Timestamps
Requires that timestamps be included in the request header. Mediator checks the timestamp value against the current time to ensure that the request is not an old message. This serves to protect your system against attempts at message tampering, such as replay attacks.
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