CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Run-Time Governance Reference : Built-In Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services : Run-Time Actions Reference for Virtual Services : Require HTTP Basic Authentication
Require HTTP Basic Authentication
This action uses HTTP Basic authentication to verify the consumer's authentication credentials contained in the request's Authorization header. Mediator authorizes the credentials against the list of consumers available in the Integration Server on which Mediator is running. This type of consumer authentication is referred to as “preemptive authentication”. If you want to perform “preemptive authentication”, a policy that includes this action must also include the Identify Consumer action.
If the user/password value in the Authorization header cannot be authenticated as a valid Integration Server user (or if the Authorization header is not present in the request), a 500 SOAP fault is returned, and the client is presented with a security challenge. If the client successfully responds to the challenge, the user is authenticated. This type of consumer authentication is referred to as “non-preemptive authentication”. If the client does not successfully respond to the challenge, a 401 “WWW-Authenticate: Basic” response is returned and the invocation is not routed to the policy engine. As a result, no events are recorded for that invocation, and its key performance indicator (KPI) data are not included in the performance metrics.
If you choose to omit the “Require HTTP Basic Authentication” action (and regardless of whether an Authorization header is present in the request or not), then:
*Mediator forwards the request to the native service, without attempting to authenticate the request.
*The native service returns a 401 “WWW-Authenticate: Basic” response, which Mediator will forward to the client; the client is presented with a security challenge. If the client successfully responds to the challenge, the user is authenticated.
In the case where a consumer sends a request with transport credentials (HTTP Basic authentication) and message credentials (WSS Username or WSS X.509 token), the message credentials take precedence over the transport credentials when Integration Server determines which credentials it should use for the session. For more information, see Require WSS Username Token and Require WSS X.509 Token. In addition, you must ensure that the service consumer that connects to the virtual service has an Integration Server user account.
Do not include the “Require HTTP Basic Authentication” action in a virtual service's run-time policy if you selected the OAuth2 option in the virtual service's Routing Protocol step.
Input Parameters
This input parameter is not available in Mediator versions prior to 9.0.
Authenticate Credentials
Required. Authorizes consumers against the list of consumers available in the Integration Server on which Mediator is running.
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