CentraSite Documentation : Runtime Governance with CentraSite : Virtualized Services in CentraSite : Viewing or Editing Virtualized Services : The Specification Profile
The Specification Profile
You use the Specification profile to view or modify the following fields:
Functional Requirements
You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library. For details about the Supporting Document Library, see the CentraSite User’s Guide.
Non-functional Requirements
You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Error Messages and Codes
You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Usage Examples
You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
Release Notes
You can attach a document by either pointing to a URL, or selecting a document from the Supporting Document Library. You can also upload a new document to the library.
You can view or modify the Demo WSDL URL.
Documentation URL
You can view or modify the Documentation URL.
Consumer WSDL
If the built-in policy Consumer WSDL Generator has been activated, this field will display a Consumer WSDL. For information about this policy, see the CentraSite User’s Guide.)
A Consumer WSDL is created in addition to the virtual service's WSDL. The virtual service's WSDL will be used by Mediator. The Consumer WSDL can be used by the consumer (the user) to create a request for the service. The Consumer WSDL will contain WS-Security policies inline in the consumer WSDL as follows:
*If the virtual service contains WS-Security policies, then the WS-Security policies are included inline in the Consumer WSDL. Any WS-Security policies contained in the native service's WSDL are removed.
*If the virtual service does not contain WS-Security policies, then the WS-Security policies contained in the native service's WSDL (if any) are included inline in the Consumer WSDL.
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