CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite Administrator’s Guide : Taxonomies : Creating a Taxonomy : Adding a Taxonomy Using the Business UI
Adding a Taxonomy Using the Business UI
To add a taxonomy using the CentraSite Business UI, proceed as follows:
To add a taxonomy
1. In CentraSite Business UI, click Manage Taxonomies.
When you do this, you see a list of all of the currently defined taxonomies in CentraSite. Also, the action bar shows the set of actions that are available for working with taxonomies.
2. Click Add Taxonomy.
This opens the Create New Taxonomy dialog in which you can enter the required information for the taxonomy.
3. Enter the appropriate information for each of the displayed data fields.
In this field...
Taxonomy Name
A name for the taxonomy.
Be aware that this is the name that users will see when they search for assets using the Choose Taxonomies list. The name should be meaningful (for example, Software AG ASIA-PAC, not SAG-AP).
A taxonomy name does not need to be unique within CentraSite. However, to reduce ambiguity, you should avoid giving multiple taxonomies the same name.
Optional. A descriptive comment for the taxonomy.
Taxonomy is browsable
Optional. Whether you want the taxonomy to be visible to users for filtering and classification purposes in CentraSite Business UI. By default, the Taxonomy is browsable option is set "flagged".
For more information about this property, see Visibility of Taxonomies in CentraSite.
4. Click Save to add the new taxonomy to CentraSite.
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