CentraSite Documentation : CentraSite User’s Guide : Working with Reports and Report Templates : Introduction
Beginning with version 9.9, CentraSite does not support the Generate Reports functionality in Control UI. This means that there is no Generate Reports procedure in Control UI. As a result:
*The Generate Report icon that will be displayed on the right side of the template in the Report Template page is removed in CentraSite Control user interface.
*The Generate Report item that will be displayed in the context menu of the corresponding registry object (for example, by right-clicking on the object's name) is removed in CentraSite Control user interface.
*The Generate Report item that will be listed in the Actions menu of the corresponding asset details page is removed in CentraSite Control user interface.
Therefore, you cannot generate reports using the CentraSite Control UI. Instead, you can use the enhanced interface of CentraSite Business UI which supports generating, downloading, and scheduling reports (in contrast, earlier versions of CentraSite Business UI supported a standardized interface to only generate reports ).
Whether you need to document or present information about your objects, you can use predefined or custom reports to do so. Reports provide a way for you to view and share information derived from the objects you have created.
CentraSite Reports can be used to register BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools) reports. Such reports can be created, for example, using the Eclipse plug-ins delivered with CentraSite. For information about installing and starting the plug-ins, see Getting Started with CentraSite. Documentation describing how to create BIRT reports is contained in the Eclipse online help that is delivered with the plug-ins.
For general information about the BIRT technology, see the description of the BIRT project in the Projects section of the Eclipse site at http://www.eclipse.org/birt/.
You can schedule, generate, update, list, and delete reports in CentraSite using the following two methods:
*Command Line Interface
*CentraSite Business UI
Managing reports using CentraSite Business UI is explained in this chapter. Refer to the section "Managing Reports and Scheduled Reports from the Command Line" in the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide for details on the report command line tool.
Accessing Data from SQL Database Systems
CentraSite reports mainly use CentraSite as a data source. Alternatively, CentraSite reports can also access SQL database systems through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). To access data from an SQL database, you can use the following drivers and URL formats:
Driver and URL format
Driver: com.softwareag.common.jdbc.driver.DB2ProxyDriver
URL: jdbc:wm:db2://<server_name>:<port>;databasename=<database_name>
Microsoft SQL Server
Driver: com.softwareag.common.jdbc.driver.MSSQLProxyDriver
URL: jdbc:wm:sqlserver://<server_name>:<port>;databasename=<database_name>
Driver: com.softwareag.common.jdbc.driver.OracleProxyDriver
URL: jdbc:wm:oracle://<server_name>:<port>;sid=<database_name>
Driver: com.softwareag.common.jdbc.driver.SybaseProxyDriver
URL: jdbc:wm:sybase://<server_name>:<port>
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