Designing and Implementing Composite Applications : webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help : Developing OpenCAF Applications : Additional Resources for Developing OpenCAF Applications
Additional Resources for Developing OpenCAF Applications
You can find additional information about how to use OpenCAF, including plenty of code samples and usage examples, on the Software AG TECHcommunity website.
The OpenCAF Component Showcase demonstrates how you use most components and functions of OpenCAF. You can find code samples for the following components:
*All user interface tags, including JSF standard tags, caf, caf_f, caf_h, cafp_f, cafp_h, jcr_h, mws_f, mws_h, and mws_ui tags
*Client-side-model JavaScript for validators
*Custom validators and converters
*OpenCAF Shell page templates
*My webMethods Server skins
*Integration of third-party JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS and JQuery
*User interface patterns, including drag-and-drop functionality using HTML5, Accordion panels, and master/details patterns
*My webMethods Server resource renderers that you can use for the generation of specific content
In addition, you may find the following articles and code samples useful:
*Dynamic Import of Views for CAF and OpenCAF
*Using OpenCAF with AngularJS and Bootstrap
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