Version 9.8
 —  Developing a New ApplinX Application  —

Application Map

The Application Map view displays thumbnails of the application screens which the user navigated through, while working with the application. ApplinX saves the navigation through these screens including the steps between each screen such as the action key pressed and the fields sent. The application map can be used in Path Procedures and from the Base Object/Web framework, to navigate to a specific screen, using the NavigateTo method.

In this exercise you will:

graphics/Books.png Recommended reading: Designing and Developing an Application>ApplinX Entities> Application Map.

Enable Map Step Recording

In the ApplinX Designer, enable recording map steps (Application Properties>Navigation node). This will allow ApplinX to record steps as you navigate through the host application, creating a map of host screens.

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Approve Steps

Approve the steps that select a menu option go to the following screen.

After a map was created by ApplinX, the steps recorded by ApplinX will need to be approved for use by the map. All new steps recorded, are in a “pending” state and will not be used, until the developer either approves them or decides not to approve them. For example, one wouldn’t want to approve a login step containing your username and password, which was recorded while you were navigating through the host application. You would, however, like to approve steps that select a menu option to go to the next screen.

graphics/Movie.png Accompanying movies:

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Test the Map you Defined


Test the map by clicking on the relevant icon in the Application Map toolbar.

graphics/Solution.pngSolution Steps:

The screen navigation defined in the Application Map can be tested to ensure that the navigation behavior is as expected. This is done in the Session View, using the Application Map toolbar. The toolbar enables selecting a screen to which you expect to be able to navigate to from the current screen and then attempting to navigate to this screen. If the Application Map is correctly defined, then ApplinX will successfully navigate to the selected screen. If the Application Map does not have the relevant steps defined to reach the screen you selected, a pop-up message will inform you of this.

The Application Map toolbar is not displayed when working offline.

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