Debugging/Analyzing the Web Application's Code

It is possible to use the ApplinX framework log to analyze and debug the code in the Web application. This is implemented by making changes in the config/gx_logConfig.xml file.

Start of instruction setTo define the messages that will be displayed in the framework log:

  1. Open config/gx_logConfig.xml.

  2. Uncomment the following section:


    <!--category additivity="false" name="<Category-Name>">
    	<level value="info"/>
    	<appender-ref ref="FRAMEWORK_LOG"/>


    <!-- logger additivity="false" name="<Category-Name>">
    	<level value="info"/>
    	<appender-ref ref="FRAMEWORK_LOG"/>
  3. Change the level tag value to either: info, error, warning, or debug.

  4. Change the <Category-Name> to a meaningful value. This will make it easier for you to find log entries at a later time.

  5. Restart your web server, in order for the changes to take effect.

  6. To write to the log file from anywhere in your code, make sure that the call looks similar to the following (depending on the log level):"Category-Name","<Message>");