Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Troubleshooting

This document covers the following topics:

XML/SOAP Listener

  • If you receive message 2000 0007: Incoming XML document is invalid, there could be a difference between the mapping and the document, for example an element-preferred mapping (XMM file) does not match the SOAP document.

  • Deploying/calling an EntireX Web service fails with com.softwareag.wsstack.ui.deployment.DeploymentException: com.softwareag.entirex.xml.rt.WSSServiceLifeCycle.

    For the XML/SOAP Listener you need to set up a Web server and install Software AG Common Web Services Stack to this Web server. See Installing Web Services Stack in a Web Server under UNIX | Windows.

    After successful installation: If entirex.jar was not added to wsstack.war, copy or upload inst_dir/EntireX/classes/entirex.jar to the WEB-INF/lib folder in the Web Services Stack application folder.


  • Server does not start

    • Check classpath

    • If a file is not found:

      • Check location of property file, configuration file or XMM(s)

  • XML/SOAP RPC Server starts but receives an HTTP error for several reasons. Check the received information fault document. If there is no information fault document, start XML/SOAP RPC Server again with trace (level = ADVANCED) and analyze the trace (look for the fault document).

  • XML/SOAP RPC Server gets the following error message: "Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl cannot be cast to". To correct the error, modify the properties file by redefining the parameter for the XML stream parser as follows:


In any case, check the following:

  • Configuration file: TargetServer attribute "name" is not fully qualified

    • Name may require a domain specification

    • Name only contains target without service specification or/and with wrong port (non-default port)

  • Mapping

    • Mapping does not match service requirements

    • SOAPAction value is wrong or undefined

  • Connection cannot be established or connection failed

    • Wrong HTTP setting

      Change / set Java properties http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, httpsproxyHost, https.proxyPort

    • Application error (service side)

XML/SOAP RPC Server in the Software AG Runtime

Use file <installation home>/profiles/CTP/configuration/logging/log_config.xml to configure the logging settings. The log file sag-osgi.log or wrapper.log is written to directory <installation home>/profiles/CTP/logs.

To analyse the log, search for lines containing "EXX" and check the status/error:

EXX: Configuration Error: Reading configuration file fails.

The cannot be loaded.


The file must be located in directory <installation home>\EntireX\etc\exx\workspace and be accessible.

EXX: Reading configuration fails: File does not exist.

The file cannot be found.


Validate the installation.

EXX: XML/SOAP RPC Server does not start. Reason: {0}".

The server cannot start for reason {0}.

  1. Validate the properties and configuration file settings (see also log).

  2. Validate if the properties and configuration are correct.

  3. Validate if the paths of XMM files in configuration file are correct and the files are accessible.