SOA Governance and API Management : Working with CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Working with Portlets : Adding a Portlet : Adding an Existing Portlet
Adding an Existing Portlet
Use the following procedure to add one or more portlets that are available for your Welcome page.
To add an existing portlet to your Welcome page
1. In CentraSite Business UI, access your Welcome page. If you need procedures for this step, see Viewing Your Portlets.
2. Click the Configure link in the upper left corner of your Welcome page.
3. The Configure your Welcome Page dialog opens. This displays a list of portlets that are available to you.
4. Select the portlet(s) that you want to add to your Welcome page.
5. When you have finished making your selection, click OK.
The settings take effect immediately and you will see the personalized Welcome page with the selected portlet(s).
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