SOA Governance and API Management : Run-time Governance with CentraSite : Run-Time Governance Reference : Run-Time Events and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Metrics : Configuring CentraSite to Receive Run-Time Events and Metrics : Configuring the Event Receiver : Setting the SNMPv3 Transport Configuration Properties
Setting the SNMPv3 Transport Configuration Properties
In the Event Receiver's configuration file, set the following properties related to a SNMPv3 Transport:
SNMPv3 Transport Property and Description
Wire transport protocol that will be used by the SNMP Listener. Supported values are: TCP and UDP.
The CentraSite host name or IP address to which the SNMP listener will bind.
The port to which the SNMP listener will bind. The default is 8181. If Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed (or will be installed) on the same machine hosting Integration Server/Mediator, then you may want to change the default SNMP port of 8181 to something else, to avoid any potential runtime conflicts when sending SNMP packets.
Maximum inbound message size in bytes (an integer). Traps that exceed this size limit will be rejected. Default value is 256Kb.
The SNMP Listener's Worker-Thread pool size (default is 10). This determines the throughput of the Listener.
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