SOA Governance and API Management : Working with CentraSite Business UI : Administering the Business UI : Managing Assets : Downloading an Asset : Structure of the Zip File
Structure of the Zip File
The zip file is organized as a directory that holds a collection of downloaded files. If any of the names of the downloaded files are not unique; then such files are stored with consecutive numbers (for example, SchemaA_1.xsd, SchemaA.xsd_2, and so on).
If a downloaded file refers to one or more other downloaded files, for example if a WSDL file refers to a schema, the reference within the file is adjusted so that it points relatively to the file in the zip file.
Example: The WSDL file Service.wsdl refers to SchemaA.xsd, to another SchemaA.xsd with a different namespace, and to SchemaB.xsd. The resulting .zip file expands into a folder with the following files:
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