SOA Governance and API Management : Run-time Governance with CentraSite : Important Considerations when Configuring SOAP-based Virtual Services : Handling Services with Multiple Ports and Bindings
Handling Services with Multiple Ports and Bindings
Workaround Option 1
Workaround Option 2
Mediator implicitly assumes that there is a one-to-one mapping between a WSDL service and a Virtual Service. A problem arises if a <service> element contains multiple <port> elements that point to different bindings (and consequently different port types) -- the problem is that Mediator will create a virtual service that has the operations from only one of the portTypes. Mediator chooses the first port available under <service> and exposes the operations corresponding to the equivalent binding/portType.
For example, consider the following WSDL fragment that shows the structure of the portType, binding and service elements in the WSDL. Note that there are:
*Two distinct <portType> elements: SystemPortType and CustomerPortType.
*Two equivalent bindings defined for each <portType>: SystemBinding and CustomerBinding.
*A single <service> element that defines the two ports with distinct endpoints (one for each binding available).
Example <portType> Elements
<portType name="SystemPortType">
<operation name="ping">

<portType name="CustomerPortType">
<operation name="getOperation1">

<operation name="getOperation2">

<operation name="getOperation3">

<operation name="getOperation4">

Example <binding> Elements
<binding name="SystemBinding" type="tns:SystemPortType">
<soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<operation name="ping">

<binding name="CustomerBinding" type="tns:CustomerPortType">
<soap:binding style="document" transport=""/>
<operation name="getOperation1">

<operation name="getOperation2">

<operation name="getOperation3">

<operation name="getOperation4">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>

Example <service> Element
<service name="CustomerRefService">
<port name="SystemPort" binding="tns:SystemBinding">
<soap:address location="http://.../v4/SystemPort"/>
<port name="CustomerPort" binding="tns:CustomerBinding">
<soap:address location="http://.../v4/CustomerRefPort"/>
There are two options for a workaround to this problem.
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