Making the Download Menu Entry Visible/Invisible for Guest Users
If a user with the Guest role can access an asset and view its context menu, the context menu entry Download Document is visible by default. You can specify whether this entry is visible or invisible for such users as follows:
To make the download menu entry visible/invisible for guest users
1. Locate the configuration file plugin.xml in the <RuntimeDir>\workspace\webapps\PluggableUI\CentraSiteControl directory.
2. Open the file and locate the entry:
<extension point=com.softwareag.cis.plugin.parameter
id=guestCanDownloadDocuments value=true/>
3. To make the context menu entry invisible for guest users, change true to false and restart Software AG Runtime. Similarly, if the context menu entry is already invisible and you want to make it visible for guest users, set the value to true and restart Software AG Runtime.