SOA Governance and API Management : Administering CentraSite : Basic Operations : Configuring Port Numbers : Changing a Port Number on the Registry/Repository Host
Changing a Port Number on the Registry/Repository Host
The procedure to change a configured CRR port on the Registry/Repository host is as follows:
To change a configured CRR port on the Registry/Repository host
1. Run the command line script centrasite_setenv. This script is located in the <CentraSiteInstallDir>/bin directory.
This ensures that environment variables and lookup paths are set correctly for the following steps.
2. Check the current value of the port number by using a command of the following form at the operating system command prompt:
inoadmin getproperty CentraSite <ParameterName>
The <ParameterName> can be any of the port names shown in the above table. Example:
inoadmin getproperty CentraSite "HTTP port"
The inoadmin program is available in the <CentraSiteInstallDir>/bin directory.
3. Assign a new port number by using the following command at the operating system command prompt:
inoadmin setproperty CentraSite <ParameterName> <NewPortNumber> norestart
where <NewPortNumber> is the new port number that you wish to use.
4. Stop the CentraSite Registry Repository and start it again.
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