SOA Governance and API Management : Administering CentraSite : Authentication Topics and LDAP : Configuring the LDAP Authentication Type : Performing the LDAP Configuration : LDAP Server Configuration
LDAP Server Configuration
The general values that you can specify for an LDAP authentication in the interactive dialog are described below. Refer to the documentation of your LDAP system supplier for details.
Prompt Text: Configuration Enabled
Description: Indicates if the LDAP server configuration is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
Value: enabled
Prompt Text: URL of the LDAP server
Description: The URL of the machine where the LDAP server is located. The expected format is:
*To use an SSL connection for the LDAP server, you must specify the URL to start with 'ldaps' and provide the truststore and/or keystore parameters.
*To use an IPv6 address (instead of the domain name), you must enclose the URL in square brackets.
Value: url
Example: ldaps://<listening address>:10636
Prompt Text: Connection Timeout
Description: The maximum time interval (in milliseconds) for an LDAP operation. The default value is 5000.
Value: timeout
Prompt Text: Principal (Technical User) DN
Description: The distinguished name (DN) of the technical user that connects to the LDAP server if an anonymous access to the LDAP server is not allowed.
For more background information on the technical user, refer to the section "Technical Principal for LDAP" in the CentraSite Administrator’s Guide.
Value: prin
Example: cn=techuser,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com
Prompt Text: Password of Technical User
Description: The password for the technical user identified by the property 'prin'.
This property is required only if the related property 'noPrinIsAnonymous' is set to 'false'. Otherwise, this property must not be specified.
Value: @secure.cred
Prompt Text: Truststore Type
Description: The type of truststore to use if an SSL connection is required. Possible values are 'JKS' or 'PKCS12'.
Value: truststoreType
Prompt Text: URL of Truststore Location
Description: The URL of the truststore containing the trusted root certificates.
Value: truststoreUrl
Example: file:/C:/TMP/trusted.ks
Prompt Text: Keystore Type
Description: The type of keystore to use if an SSL connection is required. Possible values are 'JKS' or 'PKCS12'.
Value: keystoreType
Prompt Text: URL of Keystore Location
Description: The URL of the keystore containing the private keys and SSL certificates.
Value: keystoreUrl
Example: file:/C:/TMP/keystore.ks
Prompt Text: Keystore Password
Description: The password of the keystore.
Value: @secure.keystorePassword
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