SOA Governance and API Management : Administering Integration Server : Managing JMS Triggers : Enabling, Disabling, and Suspending JMS Triggers : Configuring Integration Server to Enable JMS Triggers Automatically after a Consumer Error
Configuring Integration Server to Enable JMS Triggers Automatically after a Consumer Error
Integration Server disables a JMS trigger if there is a problem in the connection to the JMS provider. Integration Server might also disable a JMS trigger if the message consumer used by the trigger encounters an unexpected error that is not caused by a problem in the connection to the JMS provider. These problems include:
*Network latency between Integration Server and the JMS provider
*A wide area network separating Integration Server and the JMS provider
*The arrival of a large JMS message
*Other network-related issues
You can configure Integration Server to automatically attempt to re-enable a JMS trigger that becomes disabled when the message consumer encounters an error that is not caused by a problem in the connection to the JMS provider. To do this, set the watt.server.jms.trigger.retryOnConsumerError to true. Set the property to false to instruct Integration Server to leave the JMS trigger disabled. The default is true.
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