SOA Governance and API Management : Administering CentraSite : Object Type Management : Customizing the User and Organization Types
Customizing the User and Organization Types
You can add custom attributes to the User and Organization objects that are installed with CentraSite. Adding custom attributes to these types enables you to include additional metadata about the organizations or users at your site. For example, if the organizations within your enterprise belong to specific affiliates, you might want the Organization object to include an attribute that identifies the affiliate to which an organization belongs.
You can add any number of custom attributes to a User or Organization. The attributes can be of any attribute type. You can also customize the icons that are associated with these types.
When you add custom attributes to a User or Organization type, the attributes appear on the Attributes tab when a user or organization is displayed in CentraSite Control.
To customize the Organization or User type definition
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Administration > Types.
2. In the Types tab, click the Organization type or the User type, depending on which type you want to customize.
3. In the Asset Type Details page, click Edit to open the Edit Asset Type wizard.
4. In panel 1, edit the following fields if you want to use a custom icon to represent this type in the user interface.
In this field...
Do the following...
Large Icon
Optional. Specify the large icon that is to be used to represent this type.CentraSite Controluses this icon when it displays the details page for instances of the type.
If you want to use a custom icon, click the Browse button and upload the file containing the large version of the icon to CentraSite. The icon you use must be in GIF format. To ensure proper alignment when the icon is displayed in the user interface, it must be 64 x 64 pixels in size.
Small Icon
Optional. Specify the small icon that is to be used to represent this type.CentraSite Controldisplays this icon when instances of this type appear in lists or summary tables.
If you want to use a custom icon, click the Browse button and upload the file containing the small version of the icon to CentraSite. The icon you use must be in GIF format. To ensure proper alignment when the icons is displayed in the user interface, it must be 16 x 16 pixels in size.
5. In panel 2, edit the type's attributes as necessary. If you need procedures for this step, see Define Attributes for a Type.
6. Click Finish to save the updated type.
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