SOA Governance and API Management : Administering CentraSite : Object Type Management : Basic Components of a Type : Profiles : Computed Profiles
Computed Profiles
CentraSite offers you the possibility to add computed profiles into asset type definitions; this gives you the option to define your own profile, which means that you can implement your own algorithms for calculating the values you wish to represent. You could for example aggregate or compute attribute information from embedded or linked objects.
You can combine the attribute specific profile and the generic profiles layout concept in a single computed profile.
Computed profiles let you create your own layout by using a UI Rendering Concept. You can also specify your own rendering logic to display the computed values. You could, for example, create a custom display of performance metrics as a graphic or an animation.
A computed profile can be implemented as a Java plug-in. For a Java-based plug-in for a computed profile, you create an archive file that contains the plug-in definition and you load the archive file via CentraSite Control into the repository.
After you have added a computed profile into the asset type definition, you can perform administration tasks on the computed profile in the same way as for normal profiles. For example, you can define profile-based permissions and you can define the order of the computed profile relative to the other profiles in the asset detail display.
In addition to the profiles that you define, CentraSite provides several predefined computed profiles.
Computed Profile
API-Portal Communication
Applicable for an API-Portal type. This shows the communication details that are of use for CentraSite to send data with API-Portal. The details include the URL of the API-Portal, the name of the API-Portal's tenant, the username/password credentials of a CentraSite user or a technical user of API-Portal.
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the list of assets owned by the user.
CentraSite Communication
Applicable for an API-Portal and Mediator types. This shows the communication details that are of use for API-Portal or Mediator to send data with CentraSite. The details include the URL of the Software AG Runtime and the username/password credentials of a CentraSite user.
Child Organizations
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the general information about the organization, such as the organization's name, the description of the organization, the contact person for the organization and the address of the organization's web site.
Consumer Overview
Applicable for Service types. This shows the list of all virtual endpoints defined for the API. For a SOAP API, this profile displays the Consumer Service WSDL / WSDL URL, and a list of Access URIs and API keys. For a REST based API, this profile displays a list of Access URIs and API keys.
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the basic information about the group, such as the owning organization and a description of the group.
Group Members
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the list of users who belong to the group.
Mediator Communication
Applicable for a Mediator type. This shows the communication details that are of use for CentraSite to send data with Mediator. The details include URL of the Mediator, and the username/password credentials of an Integration Server user.
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the list of permissions assigned to the role.
Provider Overview
Applicable for Service types. This shows the list of native and virtual endpoints defined for the asset. In this profile, a native endpoint is represented by the Binding, and a virtual endpoint is represented as an Alias that identifies a specific Access URI (address where the virtual endpoint is published). The profile displays details of the API keys, and controls for performing various functions (renew, revoke and delete) API keys.
Published APIs
Applicable for an API-Portal type. This shows details of the APIs that are published to the API-Portal and Mediator gateways. The details include the name of the API, the description of the API, the version identifier of the API, and the link to the API details page in API-Portal.
Resources and Methods
Applicable for REST Service types. This shows the list of resources and methods defined for the REST-based API.
OData Resources
Applicable for OData Service and Virtual OData Service types. This shows the list of all first level resources. The profile displays the resource path, entity type, resource parameters, HTTP methods and outgoing navigation properties for the OData service.
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the basic information about the role, such as the owning organization and a description of the role.
Runtime Metrics
Applicable for Service types. This shows the run-time performance metrics that are available for the asset. If you are using webMethods Mediator, webMethods Insight, or another run-time monitoring component to log performance metrics for an asset, CentraSite includes those metrics on this profile.
Note that when you disable the Run-Time Metrics profile in Service asset type definition, CentraSite removes the profile from instances of the type Service, but continues to display the profile in instances of the type Virtual Service.
Runtime Events
Applicable for Service types. This shows the run-time events that are available with an asset. If you are using webMethods Mediator, webMethods Insight, or another run-time monitoring component to log run-time events for an asset, CentraSite displays those events on this profile.
Note that when you disable the Run-Time Events profile in Service asset type definition, CentraSite removes the profile from instances of the type Service, but continues to display the profile in instances of the type Virtual Service.
Technical Details
Applicable for Service types. This shows the technical information about an asset. For a SOAP-based asset, this profile includes the WSDL URL and a list of the operations and bindings. For an XML/REST-based asset, the profile includes the schema URL and a list of the resources.
Applicable for an Organization type. This shows the basic information about the user, such as the display name, user ID, email address, owning organization, a description of the user, telephone and mobile numbers.
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