Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Server Configuration Parameters :
Specifies whether to enable logging to analyze adapter listeners and their linked notifications. When set to true, service and service will log the data in the server log file. Service will update the listener for missing listener notifications. When set to false, no analysis is done and no information is logged. The default is false.
Specifies whether the adapter connection stores the password in the passman store and the password handle in the connection node. When the parameter is set to 1, the password is embedded in the adapter connection. When the parameter is set to 2, the password handle is stored in the adapter connection. The default is 2. Software AG recommends using the default value. Every time you set a new value for this parameter, you must restart Integration Server or reload the WmART package.
When the value of the parameter is 2, during runtime-based deployment with Deployer you must perform variable substitution for the password field to deploy the password to the target system.
Specifies the maximum number of items to be displayed on an adapter's Connections screen, Listeners screen, and Notifications screen. The default is 10. For more information about controlling pagination, see the adapter documentation.
Specifies WmArt-based adapters that are to include a Run as User column in the Listener Notifications screen. With this column in place, you can assign a user to a notification. Then, when the listener notification invokes a service, it runs as the specified user. You can specify one or more adapters. If you specify multiple adapters, separate the names with semicolons (;), for example:;WmSAP
Specifies whether the adapter service pipeline is logged in the Integration Server log file. When the parameter is set to true, the service pipeline is not logged in the Integration Server log file. When the parameter is set to false, the service pipeline is logged in the Integration Server log file. The default is false.
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