Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Administering Tasks : Exporting and Importing Task Types at Run Time
Exporting and Importing Task Types at Run Time
Exporting and Importing a Task Type
Exporting Settings for a Task Type
Importing Settings for a Task Type
You can export a task type from one My webMethods Server and import the task type into another My webMethods Server. To do so, you must:
1. Copy the .war file for the task type from the source My webMethods Server to the target My webMethods Server. For more information, see Exporting and Importing a Task Type.
2. Export the task type settings from the target My webMethods Server. For more information, see Exporting Settings for a Task Type.
3. Import the task type settings to the source My webMethods Server or servers. For more information, see Importing Settings for a Task Type.
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