Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Administering Tasks : Administering Task Types : Deleting a Task Type from My webMethods Server
Deleting a Task Type from My webMethods Server
You can completely remove a task type from the My webMethods Server environment. In doing so, the task type is removed from all inboxes as well as the Task Configuration window, and all running task instances started from that task type are removed as well.
When you delete a task type, all task instances of that task type are deleted regardless of the task status. This action can delete currently running tasks with a status of Active. Exercise caution when deleting Active tasks; for more information, see Process Implications When Deleting a Task.
To delete a task type from My webMethods Server
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > Business > Tasks > Task Engine Administration. All task types available in My webMethods appear in the Task Configuration window.
2. Select the task type you want to delete.
3. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.
4. Click Delete.
The deleted task type is completely removed from My webMethods Server and all running task instances started from that task type are removed from user inboxes and the Task List Management list. You can restore the task type by republishing it to My webMethods Server from Software AG Designer. For more information, see Software AG Designer Online Help.
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