Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide : Administering Tasks : Administering Task Types : Administering Indexed Task Business Data : Viewing the Indexed Task Business Data Table Contents
Viewing the Indexed Task Business Data Table Contents
You can view the structure of the database table that contains the indexed business data entries for any task type that is configured with an indexed business data provider.
To view the structure of a task type’s indexed business data table
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > Business > Tasks > Task Engine Administration. All of the task types available in My webMethods are displayed in the Task Configuration window.
2. In the Task Type ID column, click the link to the task type you want to work with.
3. On the Task Type panel, click the Indexes tab. A read-only table on the Indexes tab displays the indexed business data structure for the existing table (that is, prior to reindexing).
If the task type is not configured to work with indexed business data, or has no indexed business data, the Reindex button is not available and the Indexes field is empty.
A status message near the top of the Indexes tab displays the start time, stop time, and status of the last index procedure, or progress information if reindexing is currently underway.
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