Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Administration Using Enterprise Manager : Plugins : Servlet Plugin
Servlet Plugin
The Servlet plugin enables the Universal Messaging Realm Server to vendor Java servlets.
Once you have created the Servlet plugin on an interface, you can then select it from the plugins panel for the interface and configure the plugin parameters.
The Servlet plugin requires configuration information relating its behavior, as well as the location of the Servlets it is required to vend to the clients. Below is a table that shows each configuration parameter and describes what each is used for.
To ensure security, the EnforceConfigFile option can be set to true, this allows only those classes specified in the config file to be loaded. Alternatively, the EnforceStrictClassLoader option can be set. This prevents classes being loaded from different class loaders to that of the servlet, and thereby also prevents arbitrary classes from being loaded.
Parameter Name
Default Value
Add the username to the session cookies.
List of key=value string which is passed to authenticators init function.
Classname of authenticator to use, leave blank for default
Automatically reload servlet class if it changes
If true, only servlets within the ServletConfigFile will be executed.
If true, only servlets loaded by the initial class loader will be executed. Any classes loaded by parent loader will be ignored.
A comma separated list of groups to which a user must be a member of to be granted access.
Name of the file to load the mime type information from. The format of the file is same as the apache mime types.
File containing the servlet properties. The file should be a java properties file that contains one property per line prefixed with the full class name. For example for a servlet class com.example.Servlet defining a property called RNAME you should have a line as follows: com.example.Servlet.RNAME=nsp://localhost:9000
If true, the user file will get reloaded on each auth request.
A comma separated list of groups to which a user must have one to be granted access.
Security Realm
Name of the authentication realm.
Servlet Config File
File which contains all the valid servlets which will run. The file should be a text file containing one full servlet class name per line, indicating only these should be allowed to run. For example having a single line com.example.Servlet would mean that only that servlet will be allowed to run irrespective of how many exist in the server classpath.
Servlet Path
Directory in which to locate servlet classes
Time in seconds before timeout of servlet session not in use.
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