Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Setting Up the Server Log : Sending Messages About Critical Issues to E-mail Addresses
Sending Messages About Critical Issues to E-mail Addresses
By default, Integration Server does not send notifications of any log entries to an e-mail address. You can configure Integration Server to automatically send notifications to a specified e-mail address each time a critical issue occurs.
To send messages about critical issues to e-mail addresses
1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to the Settings > Resources page and click Edit Resource Settings.
2. In the SMTP Server field, type the server name or IP address of the SMTP server to use to send the messages.
3. In the Port field, enter the port that Integration Server is to connect to on the specified SMTP server.
4. From the Transport Layer Security list, select the type of SSL encryption that Integration Server uses when communicating with the SMTP server port defined above.
Default. Use a non-secure mode when communicating with an SMTP server.
Integration Server uses explicit security when communicating with an SMTP server.
Integration Server uses implicit security when communicating with an SMTP server.
5. From the Truststore Alias list, select the alias for the truststore that contains the list of certificates that Integration Server uses to validate the trust relationship between Integration Server and the SMTP server. If you do not select a truststore alias, the default truststore alias specified in the property will be used. For more information about this property, see For more information about truststore alias, see Creating Keystore Aliases.
6. In the Internal Email field, type the e-mail address to which to send messages about critical log entries. Typically, you would specify the e-mail address for the Integration Server Administrator.
7. In the Service Email field, type the e-mail address to which to send messages about service failures. In a development environment, you might direct these messages to the developer. In a production environment, you might direct these messages to the Integration Server Administrator.
8. By default, Integration Server uses character set UTF-8 for the messages. If you want to use a different character set, identify the character set in the Default E-mail Charset field.
9. Click Save Changes.
Integration Server connects to the specified SMTP server on:
*Port 25 if Integration Server uses explicit or no Transport Layer Security.
*Port 465 if Integration Server uses implicit Transport Layer Security.
The default is 25.
When sending a message, by default, Integration Server provides its own address (the From Address) as Integration-Server@localhost, where localhost is the Integration Server host machine. If you want to change this property, follow these steps:
a. In Integration Server Administrator, go to the Settings > Extended page. Integration Server Administrator displays a list of Integration Server configuration properties you can change using this method.
b. Click Edit Extended Settings. In the Extended Settings box, set the set the property as follows: From Address to use
c. Click Save Changes.
d. Restart Integration Server.
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