Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Setting Up the Server Log : Configuring the Server Log to Rotate Based on Size
Configuring the Server Log to Rotate Based on Size
By default, the Integration Server server.log rotates daily at midnight. If services log large payloads, the server.log can increase rapidly in size. In addition to consuming resources, a large server.log file can be difficult to examine. To avoid this, you can configure Integration Server to rotate the server.log file by size in addition to rotating by day.
To configure the server log to rotate based on size
1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to the Settings > Extended page and click Show and Hide Keys. Integration Server Administrator displays a list of the Integration Server configuration properties you can change using this method.
2. Select the check box next to the watt.server.serverlogRotateSize property.
3. Click Save Changes. Integration Server Administrator displays the property in the Extended Settings box.
4. Click Edit Extended Settings.
5. In the Extended Settings box, set the property to N[KB|MB|GB], where N is any valid integer greater than or equal to 33. The minimum size at which Integration Server rotates the server.log file is 33KB. Do not include any spaces between the integer and the unit of measure.
6. Click Save Changes.
7. Restart Integration Server.
When watt.server.serverlogRotateSize is set to a valid value, Integration Server rotates the server.log when the server.log file size reaches that size or at midnight, whichever occurs first. For example, if watt.server.serverlogRotateSize is set to 100KB and at midnight the server.log file size is 80KB, Integration Server still rotates the server.log file at midnight.
When Integration Server rotates the server.log file, Integration Server renames the current log to use the archive file name and starts a new server.log file. If rotating based on size, the archive file name uses the format server.log_yyyyMMdd_HHmmssSSSZ, where yyyyMMdd_HHmmssSSSZ is the date and time the log file was created.
There is no default value for this parameter. If no value is specified for watt.server.serverlogRotateSize, Integration Server rotates the server.log file at midnight only. If an invalid value is specified, Integration Server resets the parameter to -1. Note that a value of -1 results in the same behavior as specifying no value for the parameter.
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