Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing Security : Working with Response Header Rules : Creating a Response Header Rule
Creating a Response Header Rule
To create a response header rule
1. As system administrator: Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Response Header Rules.
2. Click the Create Rule tab.
3. Do the following:
*Type a name for the rule in the Rule Name field.
*Type a description of the rule in the Description field.
*If you want the rule to be enabled upon creation, select the Enabled check box.
*If you do not want the rule to be enabled upon creation, clear the Enabled check box.
4. In the Condition field, use the available condition element buttons to define a condition expression for the rule. The following condition elements are available:
*Current User(s)
*Group/Role Membership
*User Attributes
*Parent Resource
*Current Resource Type
*Resource Properties
*Add Operator
Click the button you want to work with and then use the resulting dialog box to select the value you want to add to the condition expression. For example:
portalResource isDescendant ("") ||
portalResource isDescendant ("portlet.login")
You can also type in an expression directly, or type to modify the expression after you create it.
5. Click Add next to the Result field and specify the response header key field name and value. You can add additional key/value pairs if needed. To remove a key/value pair, select it in the list and click Remove.
6. Click Create Rule.
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