Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing Security : Configuring NTLMv2 Authentication
Configuring NTLMv2 Authentication
Disabling NTLMv2 Authentication
To use NTLM version 2 (NTLMv2), you need to purchase and install latest version of the Jespa Java software library from IOPLEX Software.
To configure NTLMv2 authentication
1. If you have NTLM authentication configured, you need to disable it. For more information, see Disabling NTLM Authentication.
2. Install and configure the Jespa Java software library, as described in the documentation provided when you download Jespa.
The Jespa library should be located here:
Software AG_directory /MWS/lib/
3. Stop My webMethods Server.
4. Extract jcifs-1.3.17.jar from wm_ntlmv2authadmin.pdp, which you can find at this location:

Software AG_directory
5. Copy jespa-1.1.11.jar from the Jespa Java software library and jcifs-1.3.17.jar to this location:
Software AG_directory /MWS/lib
6. From the command line, run mws update. For more information about the command syntax, see Command Syntax for My webMethods Server.
7. Restart My webMethods Server.
8. As system administrator, click Administration Dashboard > Configuration > NTLMv2 Authentication Administration.
9. In the NTLMv2 Enabled field, make sure Yes, NTLMv2 is enabled is set.
10. Configure the properties in the remaining fields according to the information provided in the Jespa documentation.
11. If you want to test the configuration, select Yes, test configuration before save.
12. Click Submit.
13. To make sure the new library is configured:
a. At a command line prompt, type the following command to move to the server’s bin directory:
cd Software AG_directory\MWS\bin
b. Type mws stop.
c. Type mws update.
d. Type mws start.
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