Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Securing Communications with the Server : Roadmap for Configuring SSL
Roadmap for Configuring SSL
Creating Integration Server Keys and Certificates
Creating a Keystore and Truststore
Obtaining the Certificates and Keys of the Partner Application
Configuring an HTTPS or FTPS Port
The following table provides a high-level roadmap for configuring SSL on Integration Server.
Create Integration Server keys and certificates
*Generate a public key/private key pair.
*Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and send to the certificate authority (CA) for signing.
*Receive validated certificate from the CA.
*Import signed certificate into a keystore.
Required for one-way and two-way SSL connections.
Refer to the documentation for Java keytool or your certificate management tool.
Create keystore and truststore for Integration Server
*Create a keystore and import the signed certificate and private key.
*Create a truststore and import the certificate of the signing CA.
*Store the keystore and truststore in a secure IS certificates directory.
*Create aliases for the keystore and truststore.
If you use Oracle keytool to create the keystore, you cannot import an existing private key. You can use other tools such as OpenSSL or Portecle.
Required for one-way and two-way SSL connections.
Refer to the following:
*The documentation for your certificate management tool
Obtain certificates of partner application or resource
- and -
Create certificate mapping
Use the Integration Server Administrator to save the following:
*Signed certificate of the partner application.
*Signed certificate of the CA for the partner's SSL certificate.
Required for two-way SSL connections.
Refer to the following:
Add an HTTPS or FTPS port (if none are defined)
If you want to allow only secure connections to the server:
*Ensure that the primary port uses an HTTPS port.
*Delete all other non-HTTPS ports.
Add additional HTTPS or FTPS ports as required.
Required for one-way and two-way SSL connections.
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