Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Securing Communications with the Server : Keystores and Truststores : Keystore, Truststore, and Key Aliases : Creating Truststore Aliases
Creating Truststore Aliases
The following procedures shows how to assign aliases to truststore files.
To create an alias for a truststore file
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click Keystore.
3. Click Create Truststore Alias.
4. Enter the Truststore Properties settings as follows:
For this setting
Specify or select...
A text identifier for the truststore file.
The truststore contains the trusted CA certificates for an Integration Server, partner application, or Integration Server component.
Optional. A text description for the truststore alias.
The certificate file format of the truststore, which by default is JKS.
Other truststore types can be made available by:
*Loading additional security providers.
*Setting the server configuration property.
The provider that is used for the truststore type. The default provider is the one shipped with the JVM, which can be Oracle, IBM, or others.
Specify a provider only if your HSM device is not supported by the default provider.
You can configure a different provider to support keystore types other than the default (JKS); however, Software AG does not provide support for their use.
Path location of the truststore file on the server.
You can specify the full-path name, or a relative path in relation to the Integration Server.
Password / Re-type Password
Supplied password that is used to protect the contents of the truststore.
This password must have been defined at truststore creation time using a keystore utility. Once you create the truststore alias, its password is automatically saved as an Integration Server outbound password.
Make sure you have the truststore password available when managing its corresponding truststore alias.
5. Click Save Changes.
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