Overview of Roles
role is a collection of users, groups, or other roles. For information about creating roles, see
Creating Roles.
A set of default roles is installed with My webMethods Server, to which you can add users, groups, and other roles as needed:
Default role | Description |
Admin Role | Provides access to all My webMethods Server resources. By default, the SysAdmin and Designer users are members of this role. |
My webMethods Administrators | Provides access to user management and other functions needed by the My webMethods Administrator, who is a default member of this role. |
My webMethods Users | |
The members assigned to a role can span across multiple directory services. That is, their membership can include users, groups, and roles defined in the internal directory service, as well as, users and groups defined in external directory services. The membership of a role can be static, like groups where each member is specifically assigned. However, you can also make the membership of a role dynamic. It is valid for roles to be recursive, making it possible for roles to be members of each other. The following table lists the different ways you can define the membership of a role, whether the membership is static or dynamic, and where to find more information about how to define membership for each type of role.
Membership of a role defined by specifying... | Static or Dynamic | For more information, see... |
The users, groups, and other roles you want to be members of the role | Static | |
An LDAP query that queries an external directory service to determine the users or groups assigned to the role | Dynamic | |
The criteria for a rule that My webMethods Server executes to determine the users and groups assigned to the role | Dynamic | |
A database query that queries a database directory service to determine the users or groups assigned to the role | Dynamic | |
You can associate dynamic attributes with a role to provide more information about a role. For example, if there is a “Customer Service role, an administrator might add a “Location attribute to identify where the user assigned to the “Customer Service role is located. When you add the attribute to the role, you assign it a value. This becomes the default value for the attribute. Continuing with the example, assume your main service center is in Ohio. As a result, when you add the “Location attribute to the “Customer Service role, you assign it the value Ohio. You can also assign user-specific values to a dynamic attribute. Once again, continuing with the example, assume you have a user that is a member of the “Customer Service role, but who is located in Colorado rather than Ohio. You can assign that user a specific value of Colorado for the “Location attribute in the “Customer Service role.
For more information about dynamic attributes, see: