Using the 7.x Skin and Shell with My webMethods
My webMethods Server still provides the skin and shell that were used for My webMethods version 7.x. As a result, system administrators can configure My webMethods so that it uses the 7.x skin and shell, and as a result, revert My webMethods so that it has the look-and-feel of the My webMethods version 7.x.
For instructions how to restore the 8.0 look-and-feel, see
Restoring the 8.0 Look-and-Feel.
To update My webMethods so it uses the My webMethods 7.x look-and-feel
1. Configure My webMethods so that it uses the “My webMethods Shell” shell, which is the shell that My webMethods version 7.x used:
a. Navigate to the following:
Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Shell Rules
b. Click the My webMethods link to open the shell rule that My webMethods uses.
c. On the Modify Rules tab, in the Results list select My webMethods Shell.
d. Click Update Rule.
2. Configure My webMethods so that it uses the “Pearls - Electric Blue” skin, which is the skin that My webMethods version 7.x used:
a. Navigate to the following:
Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Skin Rules
b. Click the My webMethods link to open the skin rule that My webMethods uses.
c. On the Modify Rules tab, in the Results list select Pearl - Electric Blue.
d. Click Update Rule.
3. Create the start page you want to use for the 7.x look-and-feel. This is the page that will be displayed when users log into My webMethods.
a. Navigate to the following:
Folders > My webMethods Applications > Fabric Tasks
b. Rename the existing Home shortcut to 80_Home by updating the Name property. For instructions, see Setting Page Properties. c. Create a new page in the “Fabric Tasks” folder and assign it the name Home.
d. Assign the new Home page the alias 7x_home. For more information about how to assign aliases, see Setting Page Properties. e. Optionally, edit the page and add any content you want. For more information, see Creating Custom Pages. 4. Configure My webMethods so that it displays the 7.x Start Page when a user logs into My webMethods.
a. Navigate to the following:
Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Start Page Rules
b. Select the Create New Rule tab.
c. Fill in the following fields:
In this field... | Specify... |
Name | 7x_Start_Page |
Condition | “My webMethods Users” matches user.roleMembershipDNs() |
Results | The alias you assigned to the 7.x start page you created, that is 7x_home |
d. Click Create Rule.
e. Select the Change Rule Evaluation Order tab.
f. Move the “7x_Start Page” rule that you just created to the top.
g. Click Update.