Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing Pages in My webMethods Server : About Custom Folders and Pages : Wiring the Property of One Portlet to the Property of Another
Wiring the Property of One Portlet to the Property of Another
You can connect, or wire, any property of any portlet on a page to any property of any other portlet. When you wire one property to another, whenever the page is rendered, the server automatically sets the value of the destination property to the value of the source property. This feature allows you to quickly create a composite application out of several different portlets.
For example, if you create a page with two portlets, one a search form and one a search results display, you can wire the search form value (the source value) to the results display input value (the destination value). When a user enters some information into the search form and submits it, the server updates the results display to the results of that search.
To wire one portlet to another
1. As system administrator, navigate to and open the page containing the portlet you want to wire.
2. In the page title bar, click Tools > Edit Page to switch to page editing mode.
3. Decide which portlet is the wiring source and which is the wiring destination.
The destination portlet property receives its property value from the source portlet property.
4. If the title bar of the destination portlet is hidden, select the View As Expert check box so that you can see the title bar.
5. In the portlet title bar of the destination portlet, click Tool > Properties.
6. Click the Wiring tab.
The wiring tab displays a list of properties on the destination portlet that are available for wiring.
7. For a target property that you want to wire, in the SOURCE PORTLET column, select the portlet that you want to use as the source.
8. In the SOURCE PROPERTY column, specify the specific property of the source portlet that you want to use.
a. Click Browse.
b. Select the property you want to use from the list.
c. Click Select.
9. Click Apply.
10. Click Save.
The run-time view of the page should display the destination portlet with whatever values are configured in the source portlets.
If the title bar of the destination portlet is visible, you can wire the portlet without switching to page editing mode. To view the wiring page for a portlet, in the portlet title bar click Tools > Wiring.
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