Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Managing Packages : Finding Information about Your Packages : Displaying Information about a Package : Package Information
Package Information
Integration Server maintains the following information about each installed package.
Package Name
Name of the package.
Version number of the package.
A number that a developer assigns to a package each time it is regenerated. For example, a developer might generate version 1.0 of the Ordering package 10 times and assign build numbers 1,2,3,...10. These build numbers are generally used to identify the generations of a package in a development environment.
Minimum Version of JVM
Minimum version of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) required to run this package.
Package List ACL
The Access Control List assigned to the package. Users associated with this ACL can see the package listed on the Integration Server Administrator or Designer. To see the folders and elements contained in the package, a user must have List access to the folders and elements themselves.
Patches Included
A list of patches that have been applied to this release of the package. These are numbers that are meaningful to your installation, possibly obtained from your problem tracking system.
A description of the package and its intended use.
The name of the company, organization, or server that published the package.
By default, the Integration Server automatically enters the publishing server name in this field only when you create a package release.
Created on
Date, time, and year in which the package was created.
By default, the Integration Server automatically enters the date, time, and year in this field only when you create a package release.
Elements Loaded
Number of elements that the server successfully loaded. To view the elements that the server has successfully loaded, click the Browse services in < PackageName> link.
Elements Not Loaded
Number of elements that the server failed to load. If the server failed to load one or more elements, the Load Errors section of the screen lists the elements that it could not load, along with the reason.
Startup Services
List of the services that you or another administrator have identified as startup services. For more information about startup services, refer to Running Services When Packages Are Loaded, Unloaded, or Replicated.
Shutdown Services
List of the services that you or another administrator have identified as shutdown services. For more information about shutdown services, see Running Services When Packages Are Loaded, Unloaded, or Replicated.
Replication Services
List of the services that you or another administrator have identified as replication services. For more information about replication services, see Running Services When Packages Are Loaded, Unloaded, or Replicated.
Packages on which this package depends
List of the packages the server must load before it loads this package. For more information about package dependencies, see webMethods Service Development Help.
Packages that depend on this package
List of packages that depend on this package. If you disable the package, these packages will be affected.
List of other Integration Servers that subscribe to this package. For information on how to copy packages from one server to another, how to subscribe to packages, and how to publish packages to another server, see Copying Packages from One Server to Another.
Load Errors
Displays a list of elements that generated errors and could not be loaded onto the server when the package was installed. When some elements do not load, the load status for the package becomes Partial.
Load Warnings
Displays a list of elements that generated warnings when the package was installed. The server was able to load the packages, despite the warnings. When package elements are loaded with warnings, the load status for the package becomes Warnings.
Patch History
A list of patches or partial packages that have been applied to this release of the package.
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