Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : My webMethods Server and HTTPS : Managing Authentication Certificates as My webMethods Administrator : Assigning a User to an Authentication Certificate
Assigning a User to an Authentication Certificate
You can assign only one user to an instance of an authentication certificate. The procedure for doing so is described here. To assign the same certificate to multiple users, add a separate instance of the certificate for each user. For more information on how to add a certificate, seeAdding an Authentication Certificate.
To assign a user to an authentication certificate
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > System-Wide > User Management > Certificates.
2. If the certificate is not visible in the Certificates panel, use the Search panel to locate it. For more information, see Searching for Authentication Certificates.
3. Locate the certificate and click the Details icon .
4. On the Edit Certificate area, click Set.
5. In the Keywords field, type a user ID, click Search, move the user to the Selected box, and click Apply.
6. Click Close.
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