Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Working with My webMethods : Familiarizing Yourself with My webMethods : Application Selections Available in the Navigate Tab : Administration Section of the Navigate Tab
Administration Section of the Navigate Tab
The following tables list all possible selections in the Administration section of the Navigate tab along with the webMethods component(s) that must be installed before My webMethods includes the selections in the navigation pane.
Administration Selection: Messaging
Messaging Sub-items
Required webMethods components
Broker Server s to manage and monitor webMethods Broker Servers, webMethods Brokers, document types, client groups, and clients.
webMethods Broker
For more information, see Administering webMethods Broker.
Broker Territories to create and manage territory webMethods Brokers and territory gateways.
Broker Clusters to create and manage cluster webMethods Brokers and cluster gateways.
Naming Directories to create and configure administered objects used by JMS.
Settings to configure parameters relating to the operation of the webMethods Broker user interface on My webMethods
Log to view error and activity messages generated by the webMethods Broker user interface.
Administration Selection: System-Wide
System-Wide Sub-items
Required webMethods components
webMethods Content Configurator to view the available webMethods Content Service Platform servers, and to create and manage content listeners and filters for those servers.
webMethods Content Service Platform
For more information, see Implementing webMethods Content Service Platform for BPM.
Permissions Management to manage access privileges and functional privileges that you assign to users, groups, and/or roles.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
User Management to manage users, groups, and roles. Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Roles to add, edit, and delete roles.
*Groups to add, edit, and delete groups.
*User to add, edit, and delete users.
*Certificates to manage authentication certificates.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Calendars Management to configure and manage calendars. Within this selection you can navigate to:
*Business Calendars to add, edit, and delete business calendars.
*User Calendars to add, edit, and delete user calendars.
Task Engine
For more information, see webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
Workspace Management to manage and manipulate all workspaces within My webMethods.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Environments to configure environments for Optimize for Process and Optimize for Infrastructure. Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Database Pool Configuration to maintain a common list of database pools for webMethods servers in an environment.
*Define Environments to define environments and common configurations for Optimize for Process and Optimize for Infrastructure components.
webMethods Broker
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Configuring BAM.
System Information to:
*Set up logging, and view information about the Analytic Engines, Web Service Data Collectors, and Prediction Engine.
*View information for common configuration environments. You can view the operational status and component ID, host and port information for a components in your webMethods environments.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see Administering webMethods Optimize and Configuring BAM.
B2B Permissions to manage permissions that control access to Trading Networks data and actions. Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Data Permissions to identify data sets and indicate the actions roles can take against Trading Networks data in the data sets.
*General Functional Permissions to indicate the Trading Networks actions that roles can perform. These permissions govern Trading Networks data not covered by data permissions.
Trading Networks
For more information, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
Administration Selection: Analytics
Analytics Sub-items
Required webMethods components
Rules to manage KPI, event, and threshold rules. Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Rule List to create rules to notify you when a process or resource becomes problematic and requires user attention.
*Rule Filters to edit data collection filters.
*Rule Audit to view complete auditing details for every rule-related change in your system.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see webMethods Optimize User’s Guide.
KPIs to configure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Business Data to configure KPIs for business data.
*System Data to configure KPIs for system data.
*Dimensions to define dimensions.
*KPI Hierarchies to view a graphical hierarchy of your system components to help you understand the hierarchy and interdependency of these components.
*Intelligent Links to configure dynamic links to Web pages inside or outside of My webMethods and display those links on appropriate pages.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see Administering webMethods Optimize.
Data Management to extract Optimize assets and purge data from the Optimize Analysis and Process Tracker database components. Within this selection, you can navigate to:
*Asset Extraction to extract various Optimize assets (such as dimensions and event maps), save them to your file system, and later deploy them to another Optimize Analytic Engine.
*Live Purge to purge data from the Optimize Analysis and Process Tracker database components.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see Administering webMethods Optimize.
Infrastructure Components to configure components of the system, such as Integration Servers, that are automatically monitored.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see Administering webMethods Optimize.
Prediction to create prediction templates.
Optimize for Process
For more information, see webMethods Optimize User’s Guide.
Diagnostics to view information to troubleshoot issues with event maps, dimensions, hierarchies, KPIs, and rules.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see webMethods Optimize User’s Guide.
Job Management to view activities of the Job Manager, which coordinates system activities.
*Job Audit to view summary information about all jobs scheduled with the Job Manager.
*Job Queue to view the status of all jobs scheduled with the Job Manager.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
For more information, see Administering webMethods Optimize.
Administration Selection: Business
Business Sub-items
Required webMethods components
webMethods Business Rules to dynamically update business rules created with the Rules Development feature in Software AG Designer.
webMethods Rules Development
For more information, see webMethods BPM Rules Development Help.
Business Processes to access and modify detailed process model information, and to identify the process models that you want to monitor using Monitor and Optimize for Process.
Optimize for Process
For more information, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide or Administering webMethods Optimize.
Business Processes Dashboard to quickly access and modify key information about a process model. For example, is it enabled, how many instances exist, or how many are running and failed? Click a process link to open an editable dialog box with key process model attributes. Hover the cursor over the process name to view a pop-up process diagram.
For more information, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide.
Data Management to archive and delete logging data from the Process Audit database and to view archive history.
For more information, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide.
Tasks to administer tasks that have been published to My webMethods Server. From here you can:
*Enable disable, delete, and start tasks.
*Configure collaboration tasks.
*Configure a task analytics connection.
*Configure a task e-mail listener connection.
Task Engine
For more information, see webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
Administration Selection: Integration
Integration Sub-items
Required webMethods components
B2B to manage Trading Networks partner management, manage the archival and deletion of Trading Networks data, and configure Business Activity Monitoring for Trading Networks data.
*Archive Schedules to configure and schedule the archival and deletion of Trading Networks data.
*Partner Profiles to add, edit, and delete Trading Networks profiles and extended profile fields.
*Partner Groups to add, edit, and delete Trading Networks partner groups.
*Partner Certificates to query for partner certificates that are expired or expiring soon.
*Public Queues to add, edit, and delete Trading Networks public queues.
*Business Monitoring to configure TN document types for BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) and globally enable all the TN document types for monitoring.
Trading Networks
Optimize for B2B
For more information, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide and webMethods Optimize for B2B User’s Guide.
B2B Settings to set configuration settings for Trading Networks, Module for EDI, and Module for EDIINT.
*Administrative Preferences to set administrative settings, including identifying the Trading Networks server that My webMethods Server is to interact with.
*Configure Properties to set the configuration properties of Trading Networks, Module for EDI, and Module for EDIINT.
*Submit Documents to submit XML or EDI documents to Trading Networks.
*Control Numbers to search, create, and manage control numbers in Module for EDI.
Trading Networks
Module for EDI
Module for EDIINT
For more information, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide, webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide , and webMethods Module for EDIINT Installation and User’s Guide
ESB to access Integration Server Administrator so that you can administer Integration Servers.
Integration Server
For more information, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Administration Selection: My webMethods
My webMethods Sub-items
Required webMethods components
System Settings to change the host names and port numbers that My webMethods uses to communicate with the Integration Server, the Analytic Engine, and the Task Engine.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Optimize for Process
Task Engine
For more information, see webMethods Monitor User’s Guide, Administering webMethods Optimize, and webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide.
Directory Services to configure external directory services you want to use with My webMethods.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
E-mail Servers to configure the mail server settings used by My webMethods Server when processing e-mail messages.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Cluster Settings to define the URL to use to access My webMethods in a clustered environment and to configure different roles of My webMethods Server clustered nodes.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
Data Sources to connect to external data sources, such as databases, and make them available to My webMethods Server.
My webMethods Server
For more information, see Administering My webMethods Server.
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