Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Universal Messaging Administration Guide : Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager : Management and Monitoring Sections : Management Information : Enterprise Summary
Enterprise Summary
The enterprise view is the first screen you see whenever the Universal Messaging enterprise manager is launched. The screen is designed to provide an overview of the characteristics as well as current status of the set of Universal Messaging realms that enterprise manager is currently connected with
This section describes the type of status information that can be observed from the Enterprise level view.
The top of the screen displays a large real time graph illustrating the total number of events published (yellow) and consumed (red) across all Universal Messaging realms.
The bottom of the screen displays 3 panels named Totals, Event Status and Connection Status. These panels and the information displayed are described below.
The Totals section describes 5 values :
*Clusters- The number of clusters defined within the enterprise manager and its realm nodes
*Realms- The number of realms known by the enterprise manager
*Channels- The number of channels that exist across all known realms
*Queues- The number of queues that exist across all known realms
*Data Groups- The number of Data Groups that exist across all known realms
*Services- Total number of services that exist across all known realms
Event Status
The Event Status section describes 4 values:
*Published - The total number of events being published to all channels, queues and services across all realms
*Consumed - The total number of events being consumed from all channels, queues and services across all realms
*Published/Sec - The number of events being published to all channels, queues and services, per second across all realms
*Consumed/Sec - The number of events being consumed from all channels, queues and services, per second across all realms
Connection Status
The Connection Status section describes 3 values :
*Total - The total number of connections made to all realms
*Current - The current number of events across all realms
*Rate - The number of connections being made per second across all realms at this point in time
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