Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing My webMethods Configuration : Managing Email Settings
Managing Email Settings
The E-mail Administration page is used to configure the mail server settings used by the server when processing email.
To configure an email server to send server notifications
1. Navigate to one of the following:
*In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > My webMethods > E-Mail Servers
*As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > Configuration > E-mail Administration.
2. Type the following information:
Transport Protocol
Identifies the email protocol to be used. The default and only valid value is smtp.
SMTP Hosts
Identifies the SMTP server. Specify the server's host name. For example: If you specify two or more hosts, type one address per line.
Identifies the port number. Specify the SMTP server's port number. For example, 25.
SMTP Username
Optional. Identifies the user name that My webMethods Server is to supply for authentication. If the SMTP server requires authentication, specify the user name to supply to satisfy the authentication challenge.
SMTP Password
Optional. Identifies the password associated with the SMTP Username. If the SMTP server requires authentication, specify the appropriate password.
SMTP TLS Enabled
Optional. Indicates whether to use an encrypted SMTP connection (by means of TLS). If the SMTP server requires authentication, set to one of the following:
*true TLS is enabled.
*false (default) TLS is not enabled.
SMTP Timeout
Defines the maximum period of time to wait for a response from the server, specified in milliseconds. Default value is 60000.
SMTP Connection Timeout
Defines the maximum period of time for a given SMTP session, specified in milliseconds. Default value is 60000.
SMTP Debug Enabled
Optional. Indicates whether to enable debugging for email activities. My webMethods Server writes the debugging information to the My webMethods Server logs. Set to one of the following:
*true Debugging is enabled.
*false (default) Debugging is not enabled.
From Name
Defines the default "From" name. Specify the default name to use in the "From" field of the email messages that My webMethods Server sends using the SMTP server.
Text in this field is subject to the requirements of the RFC822 Internet Text Message standard. For example, text in parentheses, as in "(Important)", is treated as a comment and is removed when the message is created, and bracketed text, such as "[Status]", is treated as an optional element and is also removed.
From E-Mail Address
Defines the default "From" email address. Specify the default email address to use in the "From" field of the email messages that My webMethods Server sends using the SMTP server.
Optional. Identifies the skin to use when rendering My webMethods Server email notifications. Specify a My webMethods Server skin.
Admin E-mail Address
Defines the email address of the My webMethods Server administrator. This is used as the 'from' address for administrative email messages sent on behalf of the server.
3. Click Save Settings.
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