Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing My webMethods Configuration : Managing External Data Sources : Adding a Custom Data Source
Adding a Custom Data Source
This option is an advanced data source configuration and requires you to specify a valid JDBC driver class name, connection URL, user name, and password. Consult your vendor documentation to get specific instructions on where to locate the proper database drivers for the database application that you wish to connect to from the server.
To connect a custom data source to My webMethods Server, you need to declare the driver JAR file as a fragment of the com.webmethods.caf.server bundle and then use the My webMethods Server user interface to add the datasource.
To add a new data source for a custom database
1. If My webMethods Server is running, stop it.
2. Copy the driver *.jar files into the Software AG_directory\MWS\lib directory.
3. In the Software AG_directory \MWS\lib directory, create a text file with the name driver-name.bnd, where driver-name is the name of the driver .jar file.
For example, if you are using the oracle thin driver, ojdbc6.jar, the file name is ojdbc6.bnd.
4. In the file, provide instructions for the OSGi bundle conversion.
In the following example, replace the values in italics as appropriate. For Bundle-Version, it is typical to use the version number of the JAR file, but any unique number is valid. You can, in fact, just use the value in this example:
# attach as fragment to the caf.server bundle
Fragment-Host: com.webmethods.caf.server
Bundle-SymbolicName: mws.jar.ojdbc6Bundle-Version: 0.9.0.v${tstamp}
Include-Resource: ojdbc6.jar
-exportcontents: *
Bundle-ClassPath: ojdbc6.jar
Import-Package: *;resolution:=optional
5. At a command line prompt, move to the server’s bin directory:
Software AG_directory\MWS\bin
6. Type this command:
mws.bat -s serverName update-osgi-profile
7. Restart your My webMethods Server instance.
8. To navigate to the correct page, do one of the following:
*In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Administration > My webMethods > Data Sources > Add DataSource.
*As system administrator: Administration Dashboard > Configuration > DataSource Administration > Add DataSource.
9. Type a unique DataSource Name to be used by My webMethods Server on the View DataSources panel.
10. Type a Display Name to be used when you identify a data source to use for a database directory service.
11. Select Custom JDBC from the Server Type list and click Next.
12. Type the JDBC Connection class for the custom drivers you want to use for the data source connection.
13. Type a valid connection URL.
14. Type a valid user name and password that, at a minimum, has READ access to the database to which you are connecting.
15. Click Submit.
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