Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide : Diagnosing the Integration Server : Configuring the Diagnostic Port : Diagnostic Port Access
Diagnostic Port Access
Only users in the Administrators group can access the server through the diagnostic port. You can access the Integration Server Administrator via http://<hostname>:<diagnostic port> where hostname is the machine that hosts the Integration Server and diagnostic port is the diagnostic port number. After prompting you for a username and password, the server displays the Integration Server Administrator. Because you can access the diagnostic port only through HTTP, data and passwords will be passed clear=unencrypted.
The diagnostic port allows access only to services defined with the Administrators ACL. Software AG recommends that you do not change the default access settings.
Software AG strongly recommends that you discourage any external user access to the diagnostic port and utility. LDAP users should not access the diagnostic port.
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