Running Business Processes and Composite Applications : Administering My webMethods Server : Managing My webMethods Server Content : Publishing Portlets as an Administrator
Publishing Portlets as an Administrator
The Publish page provides system administrators with expanded publishing capabilities that are generally not exposed to most users. The Publish page allows administrators to publish many different types of content such as files, folders, forms, links, and specific portlet instances. You can also publish custom content types such as Dynamic Business Objects or Custom Forms from this page.
To publish content using the Publish page
1. As system administrator: Administration > Content > Publish.
2. Select the corresponding option for the content type you wish to publish. The default options are: File, Folder, Form (for DBOs only), Link, and Portlet.
3. For a given content type, select one of the options from the drop down menu.
If you previously created any custom objects that are based on any given content type, they will now show up as options in the drop down menu for the respective content type. As an example, the RSS Feed option under the Folder content type is a Dynamic Business Object. It was created to extend the Folder object type with custom attributes and business logic for publishing RSS syndicated news feeds to a folder object type.
4. Click Next.
5. From the Location heading, click Browse to select a parent folder location for the content item you are publishing.
You can optionally click Use Alias if you want to publish the content item to a location that is referenced by an existing alias.
6. Click Next.
7. Enter a name for the content item you are publishing.
8. (Optional) Enter a description for the content item you are publishing.
9. Depending on the type of content you are publishing, fill in any Extended Properties for the given content type (such as. RSS Feed URL for an RSS Feed content item).
10. Click Next.
11. Click Finish.
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