Managing Aliases
The Alias Management page lets you manage URL aliases as server objects. With this page, you can create, view, modify, or delete custom URL aliases and create more friendly URLs for various parts of your server.
For example, if you want to create an area of the server for the Sales Department, and you have already created a folder for the Sales team in your server’s Public Folders, it might be referenced by a non-intuitive URL such as: http://server:port/meta/default/folder/0000002216
To make it easier for the Sales team to remember the location of the Sales server, you can use the Alias Management page to create a more user friendly URL such as: http://server:port/Sales
You can perform the following tasks within the Alias Management page:
For this task... | See... |
Create a new alias | |
Search for aliases | |
Save alias searches | |
Modify the target server resource for an alias | |
Delete an alias | |